Simplifying Your Healing Protocol Masterclass
& Heal Your Mind, Body and Chronic Symptoms Effortlessly.
GET INSTANT ACCESS ⚡️This training is for you if you're ready to heal your mind, your body and live your dream life symptom free without strict protocols.
Is this you?
You're tired of constantly dieting and taking supplements without seeing lasting results.
You're feeling lost and overwhelmed with your strategy, or you don't have a strategy at all and you desire a better solution that works.
You’re tired of feeling constantly lethargic, moody, bloated and not feeling your best self.
You're experiencing other symptoms like eczema, TSW, PMS, headaches, brain fog etc and you want to heal completely.
You know you struggle with your mindset but you don't know where to start to improve it.
You're ready for a change by doing less and allowing your strategy to work FOR you.
This masterclass is going to be PERFECT for you.
By Julia Chien, RD, Eczema & Healed TSW Warrior
Julia Chien is a Registered Dietitian helping people all over the world heal inflammation naturally through the power of nutrition and the mind body connection.
Julia has had eczema since birth and was prescribed topical steroids since childhood. In 2015, she no longer wanted to rely on steroids for her eczema, pivoting towards natural healing. Through this journey, she saw an incredible transformation with her skin and body.
Julia also successfully healed her body from Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), a condition caused by the overuse of topical steroids through a holistic approach.
Since overcoming TSW and healing her body through a holistic approach without relying on medications, Julia now helps clients globally in healing their body through nutrition, lifestyle and mindset.
Beyond eczema, Julia helps her clients address a spectrum of inflammatory conditions including gut issues, fatigue and headaches.
What you'll learn in this 2 hour masterclass⚡️
- How to simplify your diet to promote sustainable eating habits without over-restrictions.
- How to reduce the number of supplements you take to only necessary ones
- Explore how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routines without feeling overwhelmed.
- How to follow your healing protocol consistently for long-lasting results.
- Success stories of clients who have simplified their healing protocol and experienced significant improvements as a result.